Monday, April 9, 2012

He Is Risen!

Easter Sunday is a huge deal to me and to my family.  
It's the day we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.  
His death and resurrection allows all who believe in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior to go to heaven!!  What an exciting day!  I hope you all had an amazing time with your families.  
Thank you Lord for not getting what we deserve (going to hell for our sins) 
and getting what we don't deserve 
(getting to go to Heaven and worship and hang out with you for all eternity!!)

The traditional hiding of the Easter Eggs.  In our family this usually consists of a 30:1 ratio of eggs to children...they make out like bandits every year.

The egg hunting crew...I am thinking
it's time to remove the "age limit" and
let the older cousins back in on the fun!

There were more people taking pictures
than there were children in the egg hunt

Of course the evening was ended with the traditional spa soaking -->

1 comment:

  1. thanks sis - it's always hard to be away from home on days like this - it's nice to have some pictures =) hey, you'll be here SO SOON !!!
